The so-called nominee directors usually do not play any role in operating the company but are appointed simply to satisfy local regulatory requirements.
Read moreIf a company ceases operations and fails to meet annual registration, payment or filing requirements over a prolonged period of time, it may be considered as abandoned and the company may be struck off the companies’ registry or administratively dissolved.
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When your trade secret is out, you need to preserve as much as possible evidence of its existence, then talk with your lawyer to find the best way to solve the problem in your case.
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Trade secrets are protected without registration.
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Trade Secret under Chinese Laws
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The unprecedented coronavirus outbreak is for numerous companies a big concern that heavily impacts their day-to-day business operations. In many articles dedicated to this topic, you can see they are quickly referring to the umbrella term “Force Majeure”, that is or should have been stated in relevant sales and service contracts. It’s often not that […]
Read moreThe process of registration in China can take up to 16 months, but once registered, a trademark registered in China is valid for 10 years and is renewable. Application Procedures 1. Define the sign The sign and class(es) of goods or services for which it is to be registered as a trademark. 2. Trademark Search […]
Read moreA trademark is a sign composed of words, shapes, letters, color or a combination thereof, that is used specifically to identify the goods or services of a producer. It allows consumers to distinguish goods or services of one producer from those of another. A trademark owner enjoys the exclusive right to use the sign in […]
Read moreWhy are Geographical Indications (GI) Important for preserving traditional craftsmanship and artisanship? Below you can find a brief explanation of the importance of protection of GIs. What does Protected Geographical Indication mean? A geographical indication (GI) is a tag, sign or indication which is defined in Article 22(1) of the TRIPS Agreement, as “indications, which […]
Read moreAre you looking to incorporate a company in Suriname? If so, you will need to go through the below steps: 1. Name reservationCheck availability of the Company name to ensure that it can be used. 2. Articles of Association In order to incorporate as quickly as possible, it is advisable to use the standard model […]
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